Fri 03 Jan
✨SPECIALS✨♡Back In Town☆H℮R℮ ΤΟ βℓΟω γΟυR miND◀◀ - 21
(Tyler, South, longview,Kilgore, .in/out availab)
Today is Your day to get Everything You Ask For Pampering && Relaxation ♥ BRUNETTE♥ PLAYMATE - 21
(Tulsa, South Tulsa)
SWEET💞🍫🍧🍒 Sexy Mixed Breed , New Too Town ✈✈ Hot & READY CALL NOW 😘🌹🌸➡📱 - 20
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Valley & Surrounding Are)
♥★New iN ToWn** SeXy & FuN ♡♥★* I'm What YoU'RE LooKinG FoR ♥☆SPECIALS** - 22
(Oklahoma City, oklahoma)
-:¦:- YOUR NEW -:¦:- # ❶ ADDICTION! __ FREAKY __ GIRL -:¦:- - 23
(incall specials come lets have some fun!)
💋 Super Sexy 💋 Super Classy 💋 One Of a Kind 💋 Middle Eastern Babe 💋 - 25
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman oaks)
(¯`'·.[💎].·'´¯) SeXy ▓▆▃ ☆° δκιΝ δΜσστΗ αδ βυττεr☆▃▆▓✓Soft B00TY✓B u S t Y ★ ▐•▐•▐ ⓢⓟⓔⓒⓘⓐⓛⓢ ▐•▐•▐ - 21
(Los Angeles, LAX incall ONLY)
hey GUYS want to PLAY with SOMEONE REAL CLICK here!!!!!!!!!! NEW client SPECIAL!!!!! - 25
(tulsa and surrounding areas)
~*~ Quit Dealin With Less Of The Best ~*~ Let Pleasure B Ur Secret Treasure ~*~ Up All Nite 24/7 - 24
***READY or NOT! 36DD's BUSTY, petite, Wild Cat/Bad Teacher coming to OC NOW until SAT!*** - 40
(Orange County, Lake Forest/Laguna Hills/Irvine)
{__ *NeW N ToWn*__} -*- {__ *SeXy* __} -*- {__ *PeRsIaN* __} -*- {__ *EXoTiC* __} -*- {__ TrEaT__} - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Glendale)
🎉🎊 (New Year😋 Fun Secrets) 🎉🎊{ Soft Big Booty } 🎉🎊( Real👄 S E X Y👄 Pics ) 🎉Let's Play like Adults 🎉 - 23
(Long Beach, Downey(105) Lynwood (710) South Gate)
♡ NEW★♡EXOTIC Hawaiian /Asian Beauty*STIMULATE your needs - 19
(Long Beach, BELL GARDENS 710 Florence)
***NEW NEW NEW*** 3XOTIC honey~BLONDE~ BaRbiE W/CuRVeS ***NEw nEW NEw*80spls!* - 20
(Long Beach, 91 fwy~ norwalk ~ longbeach)
--★----~♛NEW OPEN♛Bestie SPA♛----★------ 💗💗💗💗Best Asian Massage in Town 💗💗💗💗 - 18
(1024 S. Atlantic blvd.los angeles 90022, Downey, Downtown, Long Beach, Los Angeles)
!!♥New Hawaii ♡Latina White ★Mix☆♡♥▂ ▃ FULL BODY TO BODY ▃ ▂★▂Your Girl Friend Here ★T☆R★E☆A★T☆★ - 19
(Long Beach, LongBeach SanPedro Torrance HarborCity)
** In or outcalls...** 👑👱Meghan 🌞 #Hot🔥Blond #99🌹#36D#Slim#Thick# Cute n Cuddly# 678-8920h2oh1 - 33
(Carson, Carson, long beach, signal hill, Long Beach)
HOT la tina atractive.sexxy body 'IM NIKKI 714 420 38 22 - 25
(Long Beach, city artesia 91 fwy exit pioneer)
Incall NEW ASIAN girl 20 sexy College Student very new pretty INCALL - 20
(Long Beach, long beach 91fway downey)
* HIGH QUALITY _________ ((REAL PHOTOS)) _____ *:* YOuNG *:* ______ *:* H o T____ B R u N e T t E - 20
(91 Pioneer)
█▀ HAPPY ONE HOUR ▀█ Asian escorts __ 310-783-0700 _____! - 23
(Long Beach, Marcelina ave/Torrance)
{{* H.O.T BL0NDE! *}} _____ ~ GiRL NEXT DO0R ~ _____ {{* 1OO$ SPECiAL *}} _____ ~ TiGHT & YUMMY ~ - 22
(* 91 // 605 // 710 fwys *)
Hola Papichulo!!! ( Beautiful Curvy Latina ) * ( $80 ) * ( SpeCiaLs ) - 21
(iNCALLS.. .(91fwy/605fwy)..)
I CaN Do EvEryThiNg ° LeT Me ShoW u HoW i CaN MoVe My ××HipS×× *1000% Me oR iM FREE* {60$ SpeciaL} - 22
Hott sexy KinKy CoUpLe with BiG azz and Amaizing Busty 100 percent real pics 1on1 treat your self - 24
(14909 Crenshaw Blvd Gardena, CA 90249, Downtown, Hollywood, Long Beach, Los Angeles, San Gabriel, San Gabriel Valley, Westside)
Hablo espanol!!💕💜🎀 I'm in Cerritos/91 pioneer 💕💜🎀 Bonita Karen!!💕💜🎀 120/220 - 20
(Downey, downey whitter Norwalk Cerritos, Long Beach)
☆° FREAKY ★Mixed pLaygirL ☆BRiNGiNG •★• YOU ☆ULTiMAtE •★• PLEASURE - 23
(Long Beach, downey/bellflower/norwalk in&out; calls)
♒❥♥♒♡♡❤FUN SIZE PLAYMATE! ♦ New 2 Area! :)❤♡♡♒♥♒♒LATINA BOMBSHELL! Available 24/7!!❥♡ - 22
(Long Beach, Carson 405 110 fwy IN/OUT)
Gorgeous Stunning Woman! Blonde, Tall, DANCER! Cleopatra has nothing on this GODDESS! Specials! - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Glendale IC)
*@ @ C_O_M_E ____ F_3_3_L__ __M_Y___ W_A_R_M_T_H_ @ @* $80 INCALL SPECIALS$80 - 22
(91/605FWY(PIONEER) $80(1/2h))
C O N F I D E N T *ღ* S E X Y_ *ღ* P E T I T E *ღ* P L A Y M A T E - 21
(Long Beach, Outcalls to you Muah***)
ღ ᵔ.ᵔ ღ C u t e, I T A L I A N, and p e t i t e ღ ᵔ.ᵔ ღ YOUR hot D E L i V E R Y 😍 - 23
(Bellflower, Long Beach, OUTCALLS ONLY)
_ [CURVACEOUS LATiNA ] _ ]= = = ==[ _ [ AMAZiNG ==== BOOTy ] _ ]=====[ LATE = = NiGhT = =TReAt ] - 21
(Los Angeles, AVAILABLE NOW ** in + out)
Grace Morgan-An Elite Independent Courtesan- Outcall to residents or Incall at 405/10 freeways - 30
(Outcall-Incall West La, San Fernando Valley)
Clean & « 50 special limited time ) Irish and black ( » » banging body big juicy booty f®£ak - 20
(Long Beach, downey/norwalk/605rosecra105)
🍰🍧 COME HAVE _ Y.O.U.R _ 🍥🍦_ C.A.K.E _🍪🍭AND_E.A.T_I.T._2🎂🍬 - 19
(Long Beach, Hawthorne/LAX/Lawndale)
(( CLiCK HERE )) 1oo **i'LL make you (( COME )) PLEASURE PRiNCESS, black & thia beauty. - 24
(long beach traffic circle)
예쁜 섹시 ❤❤❤ Body to Body ASIAN n LATINA Playmates ❤ 예쁜 섹시 ❤NO RUSH ❤ CALL NOW ❤❤❤ ☎ ☎ ☎ 714-640-9616 - 19
(Cerritos, CYPRESS - STANTON, Long Beach)
(cLicK HeRe) $8O SPeciaL with the HoTTesT !*!*MiDDLe EaSTeRn-InDiaN TreaT!*! - 23
BUSTY__G O R G E O U S ♥ H O T T I E ♥ __BUSTY - 18
°❤ ° BUSTY ♥:: TROPiCAL ♥:: BiG BOOTY °❤ °: {{LATINA GiRL}} - 24
(Long Beach, Torrance inncalls off the 405 or 110)
Bl0NDe ▓ ❌⭕❌⭕▓💚 (Y_O_U_R ) °°•💋•°° (D_R_E_A_M) °°•💋•°° (G_I_R_L) 💚▓ ❌⭕❌⭕ - 19
(Long Beach, 605 and rosecrans)
Beautiful Busty Italian Girl! Sexy Thursday Specials!!! A MUST See!!! 100% ME!!! - 30
(Long Beach, 91 Fwy & Lakewood Blvd.)
—————— Big Booty ——————— SeXxY ——————— ** EBONY ** CUBAN ** ——————— Model—————— 323-898-9578 ❤ ———— - 21
(Long Beach, Paramount//Downy/Bellflower/Lakewood/LBC)
(Off 605/Firestone/Out Call)
BuStY 36 DD PrEtTy . GORGEOUS ExOTIc. 5/605. Reviewed.. Upscale. 80 80 80 - 27
2 girls 80$$ or Selena 60$$ Ven pApi 2 girls for 80$$ 323-984-1797 Bonita Latina SELENA 80$$ 5 - 24
(Long Beach, Roscrans / Firestone .. 5fwy)